Monday, September 12, 2005

hahaz.. this is the three hero of 4Md.. hahaz.. anyway.. prelims come le.. wa.. today kill E maths paper 1.. but then SS kill me back.. fuk sia.. hahaz.. FIRST BLOOD is the Maths paper.. but then SS pawn me.. fuk.. end my KILLING SPREE... hahaz.. dun care sia.. O level must reach at least MONSTER KILL.. hahahaz.. i siao liaoz. dota siao.. hahaz.. anyway.. nth much today.. oh ya.. today i climb D&T wall coz late for school...then that SHORT malay WAHID catch me sia.. he damn ass.. nv mind.. he good.. i since sec 2 dun like him liaoz.. nvimind. anyway.. i go study le.. hahaz.. tomorrow history paper.. die.. i gonna be pawned again.. hahaz.. sianz sia.. EXAMINATIONS is OWNING... hahahaz.. nvmind.. u all dunno wad i tokin de.. hahaz..  Posted by Picasa

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