Sunday, April 10, 2005

lately lots of CO practise.. hahaz. coZ SyF comin up.. then vv fast.. mid yr comin uP also.. then vv fast.. common test 2 approachIn afTeR JunE holiDays..then jiU PreLimS ...then... O level.. damn Fast.. hahaz... heCk liAoz la.. ANyway.. Next thursdaY is ouR SyF comPetitoN.. HavinG HiGh hoPes foR GolD witH HonouR.. hahaz.. going to 12am le.. then it will be my last 10 dayS as a MembeR oF CCHMSCO..hahaz.. wiLL miSs my Co oF coz After i LEave.. hahaz... anyway.. go sleep liaoz.. haha.. Posted by Hello

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